12 September 2008

Dear DGO,
How are yall doing?
I just found out my new ward doesn't have dinner group and i don't know what to do with myself....
But I want to hear everyone's adventures from the summer...

07 July 2008

Jackson Hole 2008

Howdy folks. I hope the summer is treating everyone well. Each summer, my brother and I host a whitewater rafting/ranch-fun trip. This year featured:

(a) An awesome hike

(b) Some NCMO

(c) Guns

(d) Swimming in really cold water (with more guns in the background)

(e) Fishing (Though, I'm not sure this is the most effective method for snagging a fish. It may, however, lead to snogging a bird. But what do I know?)

(f) Rather mild games of Mafia.

(g) Dancing

(h) And finally, whitewater rafting.

10 June 2008

301 got upgraded!

Hi DGO pals. So I know you were so familiar with our front room because you ate so many delicious meals there. Ceci and I got a little idea to rearrange and to paint the east wall. We think it looks so good! I hope you're all doing well. Miss ya!

14 May 2008


Alright, here's my very first try at blogging.  I'm blogging retarded so we'll see how it goes.  I've been in Hawaii for almost 2 weeks now but have yet to really see the sun.  This first picture is our view from the first hotel.  The view was great but the coastline wasn't exactly fit for swimming.  The other picture is from Volcano National Park.  The lava fields were super cool.  In one place the lava had run over the road and a stop sign was there.  It made for a good laugh.

This is where is we went snorkeling.  It was super fun and the first time we really saw the sun.  There weren't any lobsters in the water but we looked like them when we got back to the shore.  Four days later and it still hurts...

The left picture above is where the road ends in the USA.  We went to South Point and it's the furthest south in the US.  The ocean was creepily calm down there but really pretty.  We also walked along the shoreline for an hour to see a green sand beach.  I've now seen a few black sand beaches, one white sand beach, and a green sand beach.  Too bad it's illegal to collect some sand...  Hope things are going great on the mainland and I'll post again when something happens!

13 May 2008

Mission Call!

Hey guys - I finally got it! I'm going to the Slovenia/Croatia mission, speaking Croatian (????), and I leave on July 30! Woohoo! The mission includes those two countries plus Serbia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Macedonia, and Montenegro. I'm currently reading a history book about the area and getting a little freaked out... BUT it's got to be safe, right? :) In reality, my biggest fear is learning the language! Ahh! Well, glad everyone's summers are starting off so well! Yay for blogging.

The life of a graduate student

Notice anything different about me? I sail. I sail! I'm a sailor! Ahoy!
--Bob Wiley and now tgs

(Note: No actual sailing took place on the cruise.)

Contrary to popular belief and despite what this picture suggests, it was not a gay-only cruise.

Formal night was very special. Like the other passengers, we purchased clothing specifically for formal night. Some passengers wore Christen Dior, Ralph Lauren, La Perla, etc. We fashioned the styles of Deseret Industries.

03 May 2008

Livin' the California dream...

Well, I made it out to California just yesterday.  I am all moved in, but not organized.  I am really liking it though, the weather is fantastic right now.

But, at the same time I am really tired.  I went from Utah to Michigan, then Virginia, down to North Carolina, back to Virginia, then flew to Atlanta and then to Salt Lake, then drove out here to Huntington Beach all in a matter of 2 weeks.  I don't know how many miles that is, but I think maybe it is a lot.

Anyway, since I have been here (all of 24 or so hours) I have witnessed a car accident, seen the AVP (pro beach volleyball) tour, saw Mark McGrath (lead singer of Sugar Ray), and met some pretty cool people.

All I have to say is that I am loving it, and feel so comfortable.  I think I might want to stay a while... how about people come visit too?!

I haven't had time to put pics on my computer, but when I do I will get some up for you!