28 April 2008

Shake Face Pics part 2

Ok, here's the rest.

Shake Face Pics

Hi Dinner Group! I've missed you terribly. So, if you haven't had many laughs lately, these pictures oughta do the trick! Shake faces never get old, literally, never!

17 April 2008

Our blogging has begun...

We now officially have a blog for the best dinner group that has ever walked the face of the earth.  With all the wonderful activities, the great meals, random and sometimes off color comments and everything in between.  Now we have the opportunity to write it all out and keep it forever.

This is will be great to be able to keep up with everyone.  I hope that everyone remembers to contribute when something great happens in their life.  You know, when you have a "great" day or go on a hot date, get into your program, go on a mission, whatever you want to talk about... spill it!  Even if you just want to ramble some.

Good luck to all in what comes your way and where life takes you.  I think we'll have some great adventures and do some awesome things, so I for one want to hear about them.